- How does winter differ from other seasons?
- What is winter like in your hometown?
- What articles of clothing do people wear to help them stay warm during the winter?
- What sports do people participate in during the winter?
- Do you enjoy winter sports? If so, what's your favorite?
- What are some other popular winter activities?
- What's your favorite winter activity?
- Which do you enjoy more, winter vacation or summer vacation? Why?
- What do you think your teacher does over winter vacation?
- Do you like winter? Why or why not?
- What's your favorite season? Why?
- Would you prefer to be in a snowstorm or a thunderstorm? Why?
- What can you do with snow?
- Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors during winter? Why?
- Would you participate in a polar bear swim event? Why or why not?
- Think about winter in terms of your five senses. What do you hear? What do you see? What do you smell? What do you taste? What do you feel?
- Write a poem about ice, snow, or frost.
- Pretend you are a snowman. Write a story about your life.
- What is your favorite winter holiday? Why? How does your family celebrate this holiday?
- Has your home ever lost electrical service because of a snow or ice storm? If so, describe the experience. If not, tell how you think you would handle life without electricity.
- Where would you rather be in December, Australia or England? Why?
- Do you like snow? Why or why not?
- What are some of the dangers of the winter season? How can you protect yourself against these dangers?
- Have you ever eaten snow? Why or why not?
- Where would you prefer to live, in a place that gets a lot of snow and has very cold winters or a place that gets no snow and has warmer winters? Why?
- Would you like to live in an igloo? Why or why not?
- Why do some animals hibernate during the winter? Which animals hibernate? What other ways do animals have of surviving the winter?