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Hanukkah Printables:
Coloring Pages, Puzzles, and Worksheets
Hanukkah Coloring Pages
Happy Hanukkah Coloring Page Happy Hanukkah!
A talk-and-color page.
Winter Celebrations Coloring Page Winter Celebrations
A talk-and-color page.
Hanukkah Word Puzzles
Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle Hanukkah Crossword
Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle Hanukkah Crossword (With Word Bank)
An 18-word puzzle for children in grades 3 and up.
Dreidel Play Crossword Puzzle Dreidel Play Crossword
Dreidel Play Crossword Puzzle Dreidel Play Crossword (With Word Bank)
A ten-word puzzle for children in grades 2 and up.
Easy Hanukkah Word Search Easy Hanukkah Word Search
A 12-word puzzle for beginning readers (Grades 1-2); words go across and down only.
Moderate Hanukkah Word Search Moderate Hanukkah Word Search
A 25-word puzzle for developing readers; words go across, down, and diagonally.
Challenging Hanukkah Word Search Challenging Hanukkah Word Search
A 40-word puzzle for students in upper elementary school and beyond; words go in all directions.
A Hanukkah Blessing A Hanukkah Blessing
Use the letters directly below each of the blank squares to find the blessing traditionally recited before the first Hanukkah candle is lit.
Other Hanukkah Printables
Find the Dreidel Maze Find the Dreidel
Help the girl find the dreidel in this maze; then, write about a time you lost something.
Which Comes First? Which Comes First?
Put the words in alphabetical order.
Celebrating Hanukkah: Printable Hanukkah Word Wall Hanukkah Word Wall
A collection of 20 illustrated seasonal word wall cards.
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